Po 13 měsících se vrátila do rodného Česka nejstarší Slavíkova dcera. Dominika Gottová (51), která opět žije s manželem Timem Tolkkim (58) ve Finsku, se chystá v nejbližších dnech navštívit maminku Antonii Zacpalovou (89). A zajde také k tátově hrobu na pražské Malvazinky.Zpět na článek
Chcete-li se zapojit do diskuse, přihlaste se prosím.
Početla jsem si. Pokud to opravdu psal on, je to větší hlupák, než jsem si myslela. Ona a generální ředitelka? Tak leda v obchodování s teplou vodou🤣🤣🤣🤣
Najednou píše o Gottovi v superlativách. Co zase chce, peníze od Ivany?
Ema - Timo vždy hovořil o Karlovi v superlativech a s láskou. A naprosto věřím, že Karel měl rád Timovu hudbu. Docela jistě tu z posledních let, o Avalonu. Je to poetické a krásné.
Hello there, these people (Bulvar) never give an opportunity for Domi to tell how things in her life really were. They exist only for one reason and one reason only: to make money on Karel Gott´s and Dominika´s name. It´s pretty ubelievable to see how fucked up these magazines/journalists are. I can tell you that Dominika is NOT giving any interviews to any of the scum magazines. They are writing these completely on their own. At some point we were trying to investigate if these magazines and people could be taken to the court for the lies and gossips they are constantly printing. For example after I google translated today´s so called "article", I can tell you that these people are lying to all of you. We are not gonna visit Karel´s grave simply because the paparazzis are waiting for her there. And for the very same reason, she is not able to go to the hairdresser because of one of the hairdressers (who claim to be her friend) stabbed her in the back and told the press when she is gonna be there. Well naturally she is not gonna be there. I love Prague, I have spent here much time in the last 24 years since I have been married to Dominika, but these constant paparazzi attacks and all this tabloid nonsense, is just too much for her. She is sleeping next to me now by the way while I am writing this. What are we gonna do today? Well only we know I had a privilege to know Karel Gott closely and I loved his sense of humor and generosity. He was super talented artist, who loved life and enjoyed it to the fullest. And no matter what these fucking parasites say: we were friends and he loved my music Lastly the truth: Domi is doing really well. She is working as a CEO of Finland Entertainment Productions oy ltd: Check it yourself: https://www.finlandproductions.com/company/
This is not what these tabloids will never gonna tell you. Anything positive is out of the question. Peace, Timo Tolkki (somewhere in Prague)
Nevím, proč jste tak odporní. Už dávno se psalo, že Dominika a Timo založili společnost, která dělá marketing Timovi. A tu vede Dominika.
Timo je stále jeden z nejlepších kytaristů na světě a skládá krásnou hudbu. Stačí se podívat na internet.